我們的世界冠軍 – Our Champion: WAROUT LAU

於2018年IPSC氣槍射擊世界錦標賽勇奪標準組全場總冠軍的 Warout Lau ,直言年多前剛開始準備世界賽時,身邊不少人認為以他的年紀和體力根本沒能應付30場的賽事,更莫說要爭奪名次。但運動員的一生就是需不斷戰鬥,艱辛的訓練挑戰人體的極限,高壓的比賽磨練堅強的意志。最終憑著他勢不放棄的理念,成功成為世界冠軍。

The overall champion of standard division for The IPSC Airsoft World Shooting Championship 2018, Mr. Warout Lau, recalled that when he first signed up for the world competition a year ago, he had many people telling him that he would never make it to finishing all 30 stages, regarding his age and body condition, let alone winning the competition. But it’s in the blood that an athlete desires to constantly fight, to push beyond his body’s limit, and to endure high stress with a strong will. At the end, not only he completed 30 stages, with the cherry on top he succeeded in becoming the world champion. He is determined to not letting anyone to bring him down.

Warout Lau回想起自己十幾歲已經開始參與wargame活動,年少時更開舖售賣wargame用品,他坦言很喜歡氣槍射擊,卻不喜歡以人為射擊對象。直至15年前開始接觸IPSC氣槍射擊運動,認為它的模式很有挑戰性之餘亦是一種專業運動,而且他從war game所學的技巧能好好加以運用於此。投身IPSC三個月後,更獲得初階組冠軍。於射擊路上他遇上很多好朋友好伯樂,一起於IPSC路上奮鬥。其後更創立了HKSHOOTERS,致力推動IPSC氣槍射擊運動,培育新人,為IPSC界帶來一股新氣息。除此之外,他更參與比賽場地規劃設計更成功研發第一代燈光stop plate,為IPSC界付出甚多。直到現在,仍然親身策劃甚至包辦場地和道具建造,事事親力親為。這完全貫徹他的座右銘:成功的人找方法,失敗的人找藉口。

“I have been in the airsoft industry for 15 years.” Said the world champion. Starting with having war games, he loves airsoft shooting as much as setting it as his priority, however he does not the idea of shooting people to win. As he began with IPSC, he realized that it is a very professional, yet very challenging sport and he felt that this is the place where he belongs. Adapting the skills he learned from war games, he used it very well on IPSC. After joining IPSC for three months, he won his first Junior champion.

Along his IPSC journey, he met many good friends, they have grown, struggled and learned together. It was then he founded HKSHOOTERS, to promote the IPSC, nurturing passionate shooters, the world champion has brought a new atmosphere to the IPSC industry. In addition, he participated in the planning and designing the stages and successfully invented the new generation of lighting stop plate. He devoted himself in IPSC in many ways that way more than any other shooters in Hong Kong. Today, he still personally plans and participates in the making of stages and props. This fully implements his motto: Winners find ways, and losers make excuses.