Alpha Airsoft with HKSHOOTERS

HKSHOOTERS感謝 Alpha Airsoft (AA氣槍) Richard Kwok Hay Chan 對 Warout Lau 的贊助與支持,同時於2018年IPSC氣槍射擊世界錦標賽給予HKSHOOTERS會友大力支持,我們在此表示深深的感謝!

On behalf of HKSHOOTERS, we would like to thank Alpha Airsoft (AA氣槍) Richard Kwok Hay Chan for your sponsorship to Mr. Warout Lau and for your participation at The IPSC Action Air World Shooting Championship 2018 Hong Kong.

在 Alpha Airsoft (AA氣槍) 的鼎力支持下,HKSHOOTERS的發展得以有序,成功的開展,同時您們對於 Warout Lau 鼓勵與支持也讓人深受感動。您的熱情和對比賽的支持為HKSHOOTERS在這項運動更增添色彩。氣槍射擊運動員是需要有充足的機會作為成長財富,您的贊助及扶持對於我們的成長起到了極大信心。相信往後日子HKSHOOTERS在 Alpha Airsoft (AA氣槍) 支持下定會繼續大放光彩!

We will take this opportunity to promote the most dynamic and challenging shooting sports in the world today. Your enthusiasm and support have added color to HKSHOOTERS’s participation at the competition. This event would not have been a success without the generous support you have provided us throughout. Your sponsorship and assistance have given our airsoft shooters opportunities to grow and confidence to strive for the best. We deeply appreciate the willingness with which you have and continue to sponsor our efforts to make HKSHOOTERS a passionate organization. I believe that HKSHOOTERS will continue to shine with the support of Alpha Airsoft (AA氣槍).


We sincerely hope that this association will be maintained and that you will continue to support us in our future endeavors.