我們的世界冠軍 – Our Champion: JOCKEY WU

從經歷過腳部傷患,這位28歲的IPSC氣槍射擊世界錦標賽世界冠軍,胡俊棋 Jockey,絕對能展出真正運動員應有的態度。
Returning to the range after a long-term knee injury, the 28 year-old IPSC open division world champion, Jockey Wu, definitely has what it takes to show the world how a true athlete should be.

Jockey has always been a huge fan of guns and rifles. The desire started when he was a kid where he would constantly visit different airsoft store just to understand more about guns. When the famed movie “Double Tap” starring Leslie Cheung hit the theater, Jockey finally gave it a try.

他第一次接觸的氣槍射擊運動是2 Gun。經過3年的屢戰屢勝,他首次在一場HKSHOOTERS的比賽中被一位具有速度和靈敏性的IPSC射擊運動員擊敗。作為一名專業運動員,他決心提高自己的能力。在他完成了IPSC射擊課程的6個月後,他獲得了C class和新手組冠軍。後來更以非凡的短時間內登上GM class。
His first trial of shooting was joining the 2-gun competition. After 3 years of winning, he got defeated by an IPSC shooter with incredible speed and flexibility, at a game organized by HKSHOOTERS. Being a professional athlete like himself, he was determined to improve himself. He started his IPSC certificate class, and upon his 6 months into IPSC shooting, he won the Championship for C Class and Beginner. After a year of hard work, he earned himself a position at the GM class in an extraordinary short period of time.

為了保持良好體格和水平,他嚴格控制自己飲食,每週訓練5晚。他的努力和耐性最終使他在2018年IPSC IPSC氣槍射擊世界錦標賽稱冠,獲得無限制組全場總冠軍。作為世界冠軍,他卻沒有怠慢下來,繼續挑戰自己極限。在射擊路上,他尊重他遇到過的每一個射手。「好朋友不如好對手」正正就是他人生格言。
As an athlete extremely devoted to the sport, he has a strict healthy diet and trains 5 nights a week. His devotion eventually paid off at the IPSC Airsoft World Shooting Championship 2018. He never settles for less and respects every single shooter he has come across. As he always says: You don’t play against your opponent, you play against the game.